Love letterz...frm Jesus

"I have the most beautiful bride in the world because.." "...You are so beautiful to Me;I've had my eye on you since before he world was created.I knew you were Mine,and I could hardly wait to have you.."(Ephesians 1:4) "...You let Me in your life.You are so much a part of me that it feels as if you are a part of My own body"(I Corinthians 12) " are so beautiful to Me that i can hardly take My eyes off you.When i look at you,i cant find a single blemish;i cant even find a wrinkle" (Ephesians 5:25-27) " come from a great family.I know there's royality in your blood."(I Peter 2:9) And by the way,I think your Father is the greatest!