Oh No,Not Again!
BY Evg.Shyju Mathew One of the most taunting fears of life could be the fear of facing it- ‘AGAIN!’ It happened once, you thought it was over, you had dealt with it, but now looking behind your shoulder there it is again! The very thing that you lost your sleep over is now chasing you again and you dread it, your heart is beating faster, you are loosing your sleeping, you loose you appetite, you get angry with everyone, the problem has not reached you yet but its already taking you down as you are asking God to take your life away! In my prayer, where most of my live downloads from heaven take place for the blogs God started speaking to me. “Speak to a generation that lives in fear of tomorrow, anxiety turning to stress, stress to pressure, to frustrations to loosing prayer life, ending in depression and beyond.” God wants to speak to you! After 400 years of bondage, one morning the past let them go. The Israelites were free They left with great celebration with much riches and finally...