Mirror,Mirror on the wall..

last summer, I visited my parents and then as all mallu families(slang for native Keralites)do,went to visit other mallu families,as is custom..*wink-wink* why this story? well,over a warm cup of spiced tea(which I cannot deny was an absolute wake call in my head),a certain concerned lady there found it so hard to believe that it was possible to 'arrange' a man to want me in marriage.why?because I belonged to the 'dark' side of Indian skin 'culture' as i would call it..In order to make it easier to hunt for this "perfect groom",she suggested; a highly qualified job or my birth in a wealthy family alone can be my positives. No matter how much we brawl about God's beauty shining through us in 'christian' conventions,its hard to believe for too many people staying in the Indian cultural 'well' that dark (brown) skin is God-made too!For some unknown reason,a brown child is fed with reasons why her brown skin is not 'good eno...