
Showing posts from July, 2013

A prayer from the depths..

A few verses that woke my heart today. I find a deep surety David expresses through his words,a deep sense of knowing Who God is,even if everything is not known yet.He clings to the Highest Rock.He knows there is a fountain of unending waters flowing to give Him life and sustain Him....and He prays his heart.. courtesy:Shyju Mathew " I sat there in despair, my spirit draining away,      my heart heavy, like lead. I remembered the old days,      went over all you’ve done, pondered the ways you’ve worked, Stretched out my hands to you,      as thirsty for you as a desert thirsty for rain.   Hurry with your answer, God !      I’m nearly at the end of my rope. Don’t turn away; don’t ignore me!      That would be certain death. If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,      I’ll go to sleep each night trusting in you. Point out the road...
"It’s in your moment of raw honesty that Jesus rolls up his sleeves and begins to restore you by his grace.  I know that sounds like a churchy thing to say, but God totally understands your struggle.  You can come to him in any condition.  He loves you in your slobbery, ugly, vulnerable, flailing mess.  He welcomes your doubts, frustrations, questions, and confusion.  His mind is already made up about you on the cross. It’s in your exposed humanity that God’s grace really works, and it won’t work any other way.  You don’t have to hide." -J.S.Spark

Meanwhile at the Potter's..

July 2013. I wait. I stand and face the uncertainty that is rushing towards me.Days are flying by and I wait for answers.I have a thousand promises from God in the passive part of my mind.Yet,what is tangible seems more real than all the promises I cannot see.And there I stand and ask myself..What is really the purpose of my life?Why am I here?Whats my role?In expectation that I will see dramatic changes and miracles,I run to God.But I hear Him seal it on my heart..that He is enough.He is the Great "I AM". So I'm encouraged ever so slightly to keep not give up.Even when so many other voices and faces tell me to stop this struggle,I have a promise from Him.My heart fails me,but His unfailing voice tells me to hold on.Have seen enough to simply believe Him?Yes.I have.  I realize now that waiting is not a passive action.Its active.Its where all the pruning happens.Its where all the movement of God's Kingdom happens,underneath the surface.Where,the Potte...