Give your Daddy a hug!

Have you ever really thought about what is worship?and Why worship? what is it really that draws you to worship Him? many years into the Christian "religious"faith can lead you to think this way and maybe not everyday but at times we all end up thinking this way.What is worship?Is it always like we sing.."its all about you,Jesus!!"..or is it about songs n lyrics?good music?the peace?or is it on your "christian" checklist?If you ask people why they go to church on Sundays,most "christian"people say-"oh Im here to worship God".. worship is understood by many people in many different ways.To some its duty.To others it is sacrifice.To some others it is commandment.What is it to children of God?How can worship be a part of the Father-son relationship God has established?Worship has to got to be more than the just the "worship service".. its a wide topic to comment on,but I just wanna share something real simple,that helps me...