The Motorbike story of a Toddler

After 2,5 years of delivering the greatest Treasure in my Life, I can safely say I am catching up with Toddler-Rate-of-Growth very well. I need to put this out there before he crosses over in 4 months into being a Preschooler. I rejoice in his growth. I rejoice seeing what he learns each day. How much Life & Insight he has brought into our lives. Most parents say they have learnt patience after their child arrived. I've learnt to appreciate Life, to be gentle, to Love unconditionally, to give, to listen, to be grateful for the laundry baskets, for the dishes or even for my hectic job. I've learnt to be thankful for these Blessed Loans from the Almighty every single day. Parenting is an honour. Just something I learnt from Z recently, after I winced inside at first was about Love. I've tried to be nice to people and believed that to be Love. I've prayed for God to give me His kind of Love in my heart because honestly I don't find it easy to look beyond my...