The Motorbike story of a Toddler

After 2,5 years of delivering the greatest Treasure in my Life, I can safely say I am catching up with Toddler-Rate-of-Growth very well. I need to put  this out there before he crosses over in 4 months into being a Preschooler.
I rejoice in his growth. I rejoice seeing what he learns each day. How much Life & Insight he has brought into our lives. Most parents say they have learnt patience after their child arrived.
I've learnt to appreciate Life, to be gentle, to Love unconditionally, to give, to listen, to be grateful for the laundry baskets, for the dishes or even for my hectic job. I've learnt to be thankful for these Blessed Loans from the Almighty every single day. Parenting is an honour.
Just something I learnt from Z recently, after I winced inside at first was about Love.
I've tried to be nice to people and believed that to be Love. I've prayed for God to give me His kind of Love in my heart because honestly I don't find it easy to look beyond myself when it comes to loving someone beyond my comfort, my fear of heartache, my greed, my fear of Rejection, my fear of not being loved back the same way or at the cost of losing some part of me. Turns out, my niceness is only a cheap version of actual Love.
My baby loves his mini cars. He knows which colours, what shape, and what category each falls into and where he left them last night before he went to bed. It is almost like a Sheep-Shepherd interrelation.If one goes lost, he would forget all the others and go looking for this one motor truck. Now Z happened to find a friend 2 years older to him. In their perfect world of agreements, that one motor bike played the antagonist. Neither of them could let go and Z rightfully packed it back in his toy kit being the owner. Z saw the bawling JJ being comforted,pretended for a while like those tears didn't bother him. In a few minutes, he changed his mind. The motor bike had to leave his toy box and go to JJ. So I expected a barter system there. Z gave it up, said was okay and walked away after JJ smiled. He chose JJ's joy before His own.
This is Love. Love may not have too much vocabulary but it shows itself in giving it all. Giving the most precious. Saying Yes to the other person more than to yourself. Stepping out of your own bubble to cater to someone's needs beyond yourself.
I know someone else who showed us the same. Jesus.
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death  even death on a cross!-Philippians 2:6-8

True love is sacrifice. It costs us ourselves. It cost Jesus everything.
I end this note with a prayer that we would love, that we would love dearly, selflessly and that we wouldn't stop pursuing this kind of  Supreme, Unadulterated Love.
Start now.


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