Being Mommy

One of the first advice we received on becoming new parents to our beautiful child, as we reveled in the exuberant joy this boy brought was : 'Yes he is a huge blessing, but never take this for granted'. I sit here today 15 months after the birth of my first born, who we named Zachary because 'God has remembered' us in His goodness and enriched our lives for the best.
As a new mother, I found myself in this new world that revolved around another human being(and still does) .I confess to have taken the words of other parents too lightly about my life taking a 180 degree turn. I didn't think my peaceful nights, quiet lunches, the 'me-time' including showers, dolling up, night outs, travels, dates would practically be non existent and that I would have to deliberately make time and put in extra efforts to make it happen. The good news is, you eventually learn tricks and what works best for you and it all functions in a completely new way.

I am much blessed to have a man who is fully involved in raising our boy. He chose to not 'baby-sit' Zach but rather 'father' him. On a side note, dear men, there is nothing more attractive to your wife than sacrifice and endless selfless love for your child. So gear up. The endless nappy changes, the sleepless nights, the exhausting baby wearing walks and the cuddling sessions are all your greatest privilege and an investment your making into the future of your child. If you neglect it today, you're depriving your child of the knowledge of good fathering. My husband almost raced to comfort our child, to change his dirtiest diapers not because he had nothing better to do in life or because he wasn't manly enough but because Christ taught him to serve in love.

I find us new mothers are expected to know the 'Hows' from the day the new child is born. There are of course a lot of advice and information you receive , some of which are gems in itself. The ones that don't suit your motherly instinct you reject. Simple. However very rarely have I seen in our culture, something that even resembles encouragement for mothers, despite it being the most enriching, honorable and empowering role in life. One of the biggest source of encouragement for me was my husband's prayers. What I've learnt is that, my time, prayer and the sanity I thereby achieved was what my child needed the most. Or would ever need.

Dear mothers, stay with God. This is huge, life changing and it starts hard and 'change' is going to be your constant.You are enough for your child only when you realise that you need Jesus and when you are content in Jesus. Walk every step with Jesus. You need him more than ever before. This is your biggest calling. How you speak to this child is what will shape his life. Speak life into their lives. Pray over them. Pray for yourself. Pray that amidst the exhaustion, you would be strong in Christ. Pray for patience. Pray while you feed, while you wash, while you change diapers because you, and your sanity depends on it.Sing over the little ones.

"Come to me those who are with burden and I will give you rest", Jesus said.

We mothers need rest, not from the the long forgotten delivery, but rest from the burden we carry in our hearts to be the mum our children deserve. He carries this overwhelming responsibility for us, this love so huge with us. Its natural for this cuddly little thing to replace all else and easily become the centre of your universe. My son became mine. He demanded my all, right from the minute he was born.

Its wasn't too late before I realised that I could not possibly handle this RIGHT without Jesus being the centre of my Life. While Zach is my favorite treasure, I would be doing him more harm than good if Jesus isn't above him. So yes sometimes the dishes can wait, the house can wait, the husband can wait, the tiny humans can wait.. Because girl, you need the Lord first and let your child learn with you. All else, I repeat, ALL ELSE will fall in the right places at the right time. Amidst the ridicule, physical strain, guilt, doubt and happiness the new human power pack brings, you will find new strength in Jesus.

Happy parenting, especially those of my friends who are embarking this Honour in the coming months. Also on a lighter note, they don't remain tiny for too long so cherish it all.

You're doing well! 😊 


  1. So apt! This blog will be very beneficial to the parents to be ,or who are already parents to lil ones! Love it!♥️

  2. Pearls of wisdom!! Preach it sister!!

  3. Wonderful article..All praise and glory to Jesus! God bless your beautiful family :-)


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