Love that never fails part II

we've been talking so far about how much forgiven and free we can be in the love of Jesus.
However this does not happen unless you come to the Lord with that past,with that wound.When my brother was about 5-7 yr old,I remember him getting hurt several times.He had bruises all over his hands and legs.He wouldn't let anyone touch that bruise cuz it hurt him so much.he never trusted our hands on his wound cuz he believed it would hurt even more.This is just like how we are with God.We dont trust God with those hurting bruises on our heart.
When my brother could not bear the pain,he would run to my mom for a solution.She would clean his wound and fix it up with a bandage.Our wounds may seem very painful at the moment.Sometimes we may even feel like giving up.Some of us just cover it up.Some of us don't wanna talk or even think about it.Jesus wants to tell you today"to be still and know that He is God".He knows it ALL.He knows how much it hurts.He has been there before.He knew it before you were born.But Jesus is waiting so you take it to Him..waiting patiently with the blood that is able to cleanse..with the love that is able to bring you healing.Love that is able to cover a multitude of sins..Run to Him,abide in His grace.His blood is enough to set you free.So trust Him with your brokenness,trust Him with your pain.i also recommend hearing this beautiful song that keeps me going by Chris Tomlin "unfailing love"
will get back with more from Jesus
God bless you all
Sini, as I read all this u posted I couldn't be more touched.. You are a wonderful vessel of God.. Jesus is flowing from u and filling u up and using u mightily... this blog is amazing now I gonna read it daily 'cose what I find here is the fire of God is the passion of God so beautifully reflected...