Love that never fails..part I

Praise God!..Im so so so much filled with joy in my heart..n its all bcuz of Jesus..Ohh...He jus makes my spirit laugh..Such an amazing God..n my Luv..His love is just boundless..and so refreshing..such an honour and such a previledge to know Jesus.."He brought me to His banqueting table and His banner over me is love".

As I was jus getting soaked in His beauty,He showed me my heart.I often tend to condemn people,sometimes I even tell myself "I'm so glad I'm not like him/her".At times I have despised the people who don't know God often measuring the amount of sins they do.One beautiful thing about Jesus is that He shows you your ugly side..and I love Him for that. He helped me look at them though His loving eyes and He told me .."that price I paid on the cross was for him/her as well".So allow Jesus to love the people around you through you..We are called to love the unloved..We are just those vessels God dispenses His love through..The more we realize the grace that we are thriving on,the more we expand our "selves" to love others..cuz then we know there are many people out there whose lives need to be graced by the love of Jesus through us.

As an example of grace,lets take a look at Luke 7:36-50.This is a very familiar passage.We all know about the Mary who came to Jesus with an alabaster box and wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair.
Now for a closer focus on her life.This woman comes to Jesus with the right attitude,with a humble spirit.She knows she has messed up.She knows she is not worthy..But she also knows enough about one man Jesus who is able to forgive;who can heal her brokenness.She recognized who she really was before God.She recognized she needed God.She fell on her knees.She did not justify her sin.And then she washed His feet with her tears and wiped His feet with her hair.The people who watched all this thought she was overdoing it.But Jesus tells those people in vs 47 that often it so happens that our love for the Lord depends on how much we have been forgiven.

You and I must have messed up over and over and over again.We often dont want to talk about our history cuz we need to censor every line we say.But Jesus wants to tell you that you have been forgiven much so you love much.When you realize that He should have cut you off for what you did yet you're placed right in His arms,then You'll see a God whose heart reaches out for the real you.A God who can forgive you because He wants you.A God who can love u so unconditionally.A God who knows every bit of you and still tells you that "You're beautiful and pure"..and still tells you"You're completely clean in my eyes".This is the amazing grace of God..yes!Jesus is forever willing to take you back.Forever willing to set you free from guilt.Forever willing to give a beautiful present and future.
God does not despise you like a mere human would.He does not condemn you like a mere human would.He does not give up on you like a mere human would.The God of all creation wants to call you into the abundance of love;of life.He has paid the price for you and me!Invite Him into Your heart if you haven't yet.Invite Him into Your pain if you still haven't.Let Him see you through.He is waiting for you..

Pursue God.Stay blessed.
Wait on the Lord and He shall satisfy your heart!


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