Do Not Be Weary..!

This is something that blessed my heart and I wanna share with You guys..
Many times,God puts desires in our hearts to start a certain work or gives us a vision of sumthin biggg!Initially we are all ready to jus 'do'something fer God..After a few days,wen u see nuthin practically 'happening',hopelessness fills in,we get tired and feel we dont have the strength to carry on..God strengthened me with This verse"Be not weary in well doing"from the second book of Thessalonians verse 13.
This is something I got to read 'JUST IN TIME'..

"There are so many people who are still struggling and going through trying to figure out what happened to their new beginning. They have quoted all the proper cliche's. You know God is good all the time and all the time God is good, or You are too blessed to be stressed. Yet, when you look around your circumstance and your situation look the same. The people look the same same. Your family is still going through, and the sermons keep coming. Matter of fact the only thing that you think isn't coming at you right now is the change you have been waiting on.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time and a season for every thing. The word season means appointed time. Time actually means an occurrence or occasion. It goes on to talk about the time to bring forth (to be born). Then it talks about a time to die ( a time to put to death, kill). The situations listed in Ecclesiastes 3 actually take place in every season of our life. We all want to give birth but no one wants to die. I am not talking about your natural death but I am talking about that death in the spirit that allows you to have a closer relationship with God. The death that empties out your spiritual vessels or storehouses so God can pour you out the blessings you won't have room to receive. The death that takes place when he moves friends, relationships, jobs, businesses, homes, money, and everything from your mist just so you can rely on him.

In order for God to give you the new things you have to be willing to die to the old. So I encourage you today to sweep (search) your house, cars, heart, etc for anything that may be holding you back from the blessings of God. Believe me letting some of these things and people go may hurt a great deal more than some physical pains you have endured.

And let us not be weary in well doing in due season we shall reap , if we faint not.

The translation of this scripture says don't faint or get tired in preparing for that appointed / personal or private time that God has set aside just for you. It says you will reap the harvest if you just keep pushing. Don't get exhausted or become weak. The enemies job is to keep you distracted and to make you weak.
Understand beloved that your season may not be the same as my season. Don't measure your success in God based on the lives of others. Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding but to allow you to run the race with blinders on. Don't look to you left or your right, but stay focused on him. Your victory is right around the corner. Hear me clearly God is working to complete what he started in you. He is not even asking you to take a step just trust him enough to lift your foot.

Make a choice that no matter what the situation looks like God has a plan for you. Stop releasing the cliche's and release the Word of God and surrender your will."


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