Precious Life..

06:00pm Lithuanian time,2010.
Studying "Status Asthmaticus/Acute Asthmatic Attack-A life threatening condition of severe asthmatic attack which is unresponsive to drugs".Coffee,Pen,Notepad,Laptop and of course my cozy blanket are my closest friends at the moment.Here's something running on my mind right now..
I was in 8th grade then,9 years back,one normal evening...when I saw my Daddy striving for one breath.I've seen him out of breath a lot many times ,but never like that day.On the other hand,my Mom did everything she could as an intensive care giver.Never saw so much love in my Mom's eyes before nor after.She was scared clearly.All along,she praised God.He was rushed to the hospital,to the emergency department.I was left at home with my younger brother and a lot of questions on my mind.I did not know what was next. Chaos was in the air.After an hour,Mummy rushed back from the hospital crying.She hugged my brother and me with a flood of tears.I remember she thanked God for good doctors who were in charge of my Daddy.She said he had collapsed and was resuscitated.She soon left to be with him in the ICU.A night passed and the next morning,we received news that Daddy was better now.He couldn't breathe all by himself so a machine was helping him breathe.4 days and 3 nights passed.Daddy was shifted to the normal ward!2 days later,I got to see him.He was smiling and giggling like nothing ever happened.(Love him!!..xxxx)God delivered my father from death!Today,My Dad is no more an 'asthmatic patient'.God not only saved Him from death but gave him a new life.A life not dependent on medications but on God!Its been 9 years now and I'm sitting here studying "Treatment for Acute Asthmatic Attack."My book mentions Oxygen therapy,Ventilation techniques,Broncho dilators.I say ' My God is Mighty to save'!
Now,don't get me wrong here.I'm not against drugs and doctors.I am studying to be a doctor myself.My point is,This breath we take in and give out 20 times per minute is God given!You can apply all the understanding,all the knowledge,all the skills..BUT!God gives the final word because this complex machine called human body is HIS creativity!If You have been blessed with a next breath,Its for a purpose!You're life is not an accident!Don't crush it!Live it to glorify the Maker!
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