Have you ever created something for someone with great interest?It takes all of your concentration;your complete attention,your energy,your love,your emotions,your cash(:P)!!..and makes you feel that all the time and everything else you drained on it is truly,totally worth it!You might not have created the best thing..but You created it and For You,its the best!The only one that could carry your fingerprint!
I love drawing,some days I spend my time just drawing random images(esp during my lectures)and shading them,painting faces...Sometimes when I paint,I cover up my blunders with darker colors..sometimes the darker colors have to laid down first and then the light colors are added to reflect the depth of the painting.Sometimes I care a lot about detailing..sometimes I don't..A dear friend of mine gifted me with my first ever canvas painting board on which you have to add the colors following the numbers on the board.It takes patience,passion to detail each slot with the specific colors.But why all this patience?Why all the attention?The answer on my mind-"I want this one to be most beautiful" those who set their eyes on it..;)
Well,everything we just a teeny-weeny,minuscule reflection of the ONE WHO IS THE AUTHOR of creation.Ever seen those artists stand up with a canvas,a paint pallet,their clothes with colorful spots and a deep look fixed on the landscape?When God paints You and me,He would have those colors in His hands,smudging out some excess colors,spreading out some colors for prettier shades,with spotted clothes,impressing His fingerprints on the absorb all He sees in JESUS and fill it on the canvas..with perfect!Jesus is the blueprint He has on His mind when He creates us!!!God says we are His workmanship,His handiwork,His masterpiece,HIS POEM(His poiema=>in greek)-Ephesians 2:10"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Take some time out to see the
He puts into this masterpiece He is creating!..and the image that He is painting on us is Jesus.The LOVE,HUMILITY,TENDERNESS,BEAUTY,PERFECTION OF JESUS
..and when its finished,He will take a look at it and say "IT IS GOOD"..but wait..hasn't He already said "It is finished"..on the cross?ages ago?(John 19:28-30)"Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:28-30, NIV."
.....which means..He takes a deep look at us today and He says "IT IS GOOD"!!!God has done the work for HIS POEM,for HIS PAINTING,do you see it?YOU ARE HIS MASTERPIECE!AND HE SAYS "IT IS GOOD!"
Glory to God!