The same puzzle
What a friend we have in Jesus..
I have heard this song so many times..
Yeah,I know..
so have you..?
Do you have those times in life when you are everything comes down to nothing?
I do.a lot many times.Sometimes,the same issue arises over and over again.
It may be unforgiveness,sin,hardships,worries of life,hatred,guilt,regrets..etc..getting back at you over and over again...
We want the world to revolve around us.We want to control everything that happens around us and to us.In my case,to control what happens in other people's lives too..!We just wish we could plan everything.Then,we hold on to God and try getting Him to work things our way.If that does not work,we sob,we lay around,we get depressed,lose hope or react in anger.
When things fall under the category of the 'previously-experienced',or under the "I-know-what-must-be-done",or"been there,done that" makes us feel falsely secure.And when we feel that way,we talk to God with all the experiences in hand,sermon notes we've taken down,ideas that we have heard ABOUT God.We try to unravel this 'trouble' with all the weapons we know in our head.We use all our energy,mind,knowledge,intelligence,sermon notes,emotions,friends,family,manipulation and everything else we can get at hand to wrap our minds around what we thought was "easy" to solve.
I met a kid the other day who gave me Rubik cube to solve,and I was clueless..but he would solve it in seconds which got me shocked.I asked him how he does it .He told me he had 'formulas' to get the same color on one side.I still couldn't get it.The boy was so used to doing it that he could solve it every time I messed it up for him.Makes sense..because he knew the trick 'formula' and he has been through this over n over again.
So here 1)experience,2)formulas worked for him.
Our take at hardships in life is the same.We look back at our past experiences and then we trace formulas to get through.
and somehow,it does not work that way in a Christian's life.And why is that?Experiences and formulas get us nowhere when life's reality strikes hard on us.So what do we do then?
Our God is not a static personality.He is a moving,dynamic,energetic loving Father.This is the first thing we need to know.There is always-all the time,something new that God shows us about Himself through every trial and pain.And so,its not enough to have sermon notes,talk to friends,hear ABOUT God,listen to Godly music,or even read the Bible when trouble strikes.This is all good.Yes they all are..but the FIRST THING TO DO,IS TO SEEK GOD.TO GO AFTER GOD WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT,WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT.God will reveal Himself to you.God will reassure you.God will guide you,strengthen you,smile at you,correct you,speak to you and sometimes even hug you!!His WORD is a lamp to your feet.So reading the Bible alone is not enough.We need to bring it to the Author,because He alone knows really what He has written about.
GOD ENJOYS HEARING YOU.He is your best friend.Better than anyone else on this planet or above this planet.This is because He accepts you JUST AS YOU ARE.You don't have to come before Him with pretense.Come to Him with sin,grief,regrets,pain,sorrow,hurt,wrong decisions..HE IS IN THE MIDST OF IT WITH YOU.And He will gently hold your hand out of it and the best thing is-ITS A NEW WAY EVERYTIME!!Isn't life exciting with Him??Did you know that it pains God's heart when we go searching in all the wrong places (which may actually be good good friends,church,Christian songs,books,sermons..etc..)seeking comfort,guidance,help and compassion?That is because He stands there waiting..offering ALL HE HAS,THE MAKER OF THIS UNIVERSE!!..if only,you would turn to Him first,instead of a million other 'good' things..
Yes,there is pain,sin,hurt,satan's lies,guilt,remorse,regret,unsaid stories..BUT THERE IS ALSO A FRIEND HERE FOR YOU..TAKING YOU JUST AS YOU ARE... FOR THE BETTER!
That's why we sing:WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS?!!..all our sins and griefs to bear,what a priviledge to carry..everything to God in Prayer..and OH!what peace we often forfeit..OH!what needless pain we bear..ALL because we do not carry everything to GOD in prayer.
I have a few verses for today:
1.Mathew 11:28-30;(MSG)"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
2.Jeremiah 33:3;(MSG)"This is God's Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: 'Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.'
TALK TO GOD-that really changes things and first of all,YOUR HEART!
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