In Christ alone.

Coming back to writing after years.
Married now,to a wonderful human being.working .New things.New changes.Yet never content.

Today,amidst all the busy things happening around me,something fresh ,something I basically ignored for a while now caught my attention.

A day off with nothing much to do is a rare happening in my life right now.On most Friday evenings I anxiously wait to see what comes through the Emergency Department door.I'm grateful for today.I'm grateful for tea,for thoughts and for my darling husband with only words of encouragement and a heart that worships God.

Humans are enabled to create.We are gifted to paint our lives.We are given a blank canvas as we are born.We grow,we learn.We study.We improvise.We experience and we paint.We imagine how the ideal life should look like.Then we start painting.We progress.We paint to suit our greedy hearts. We paint till we are satisfied.We analyze the incomplete canvas every now and then.We admire perfection.We pursue perfection.We chase it every single day.Every night we add a frame to the final product and go to sleep.Sometimes discontent.Sometimes overjoyed.Every now and then we exhibit what we create to the people around us.Some days we hide it away in shame.Some days we throw some glitter over our miserable work.Some days we are too incapable to hide away the shabbiness.Some days we are too proud of the outcome.But we are never content.

"Perfection(a Dictionary defintion):The state of being perfect,Otherwise defined as flawlessness,  superbness, sublimity, exquisiteness,excellence, faultlessness, impeccability, immaculateness, exemplariness, magnificence."

I am not all that.and will never be.
No one has attained all that.Perfection is a variable.It is what each heart perceives as excellence.What may seem to you as perfect maybe chaos for the person next to you.

Where am I going with this?

Jesus said "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect"(NIV,Mathew 5:48)
God sets an identity for us.God is the Standard.God is perfection.God is that Excellence .How does that matter to you and me?So what if God is perfect?The excellence your heart searches for,that impeccability you are racing towards is a Constant.It is God Himself.When we identify ourselves in God,we are made Perfect. In Christ, through what He has done and who He is,we are Perfect.
"...and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority."(Colossians 2:10,NIV).

So lets slow down a bit.Let's progress but stop madly racing. NOTHING we do or don't do,NOTHING we attain or don't attain,NOTHING we are or aren't amounts to fullness in God's eyes.Let us see ourselves through HIS eyes.Let us place our lives in Him.That one look at yourself through His eyes,with your feet rooted in Christ will change your life forever.

You aren't a bad person turning good or better through Jesus.You are a dead person made alive and Perfect through Jesus.

God bless! 


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